About me...

Media creative, camera and video editor, info graphic, graphic designer, scripts writer... All these areas and some others, are connected between themselves, feeding back each other, and making possible the consolidation of a proper work which is the result of a confluence of all these expressions ways. Although it is the idea which underlie, the need of expression and communication, to learn definitely, the beauty of a intangible reality. Finding out, by the way, the suitable technique, and the style, at every work.

... A humanistic world view, mixed of vital essentials and cognitive wonder, where the imagination and the creativity inspire the last word of his texts.

 by Cuervarango.

Creativo multimedia, cámara y editor de video, infografista, diseñador gráfico, guionista... Todas estas y algunas otras, son las facetas que conectadas entre sí, retroalimentándose, hacen posible la consolidación de una obra que se configura en la confluencia de cada uno de estos medios de expresión. Pero es la idea la que subyace, la imperiosa necesidad de expresar y comunicar, de aprehender en definitiva la belleza de una realidad intangible.